Privacy Policy

Effective date: 1/1/2024

Signature Cash is responsible for personal information under its control and in compliance with the principles of the Code.Signature Cash has developed policy, guidelines and procedures to protect personal information; receive and respond to concerns and inquiries; train staff regarding the policy, guidelines and procedures, and communicate the policy, guidelines and procedures toMembers.

Signature Cash will communicate the purpose for which information is being collected, at or before the information is collected. Signature Cash collects member personal information for the following reasons only:To verify a Member’s identity. To determine the suitability of the products and services for theMember or the eligibility of the Member for products and services. To develop, offer and manage products and services that meet the Member’s needs. To provide ongoing service. To detect and prevent fraud to both our Members and the credit union. To help safeguard the financial interests of the credit union and ourMembers. To meet legal and regulatory requirements.

Signature Cash will obtain Member consent to collect, use or disclose anypersonal information except where detailed in the Privacy Code. Signature Cash will make reasonable efforts to ensure that Members understand how theirpersonal information will be used and disclosed.

Signature Cash will only collect personal information for the purposes identified, using fair and lawful means.

Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the Member or as required by law. Personal information shall be retained only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.If Member personal information is disclosed or exchanged with another party, such as a financial product or service provider, Signature Cash will ensure that such party accepts and will comply with the provisions of the Privacy Code.Signature Cash shall maintain personal Member information as long as necessary to meet the identified purpose and to comply with legislative and regulatory requirements with respect torecord retention.

Personal information shall be as accurate, complete and up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used. Signature Cash relies on the Member to keep certain personal information, such as address information, complete and up-to-date. Information shall be sufficiently accurate, complete and up-to-date to minimize the possibility that inappropriate information maybe used to make a decision about the Member.

Signature Cash will safeguard Member personal information by security and safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. Signature Cash will protect personal information against loss or theft as well as unauthorized access, use, copying, modification, disclosure or disposal. Signature Cash willuse care in the disposal or destruction of personal information to prevent unauthorized parties from gaining access to the information.Third Parties are required to safeguard personal information disclosed to them in a manner consistent with the policy, guidelines and procedures of the Privacy Code.

Signature Cash shall make readily available to Members specific,understandable information about our personal information policy, guidelinesand procedures.

Upon written request to Signature Cash, a Member shall be informed of the existence, use and disclosure of their personal information and shall be given access to that information. A Member is entitled to question its accuracy, completeness and its use.

A Member may direct questions concerning Signature Cash’s compliance with the Privacy Code to Signature Cash by sending an email to Signature Cash is responsible for monitoring applicable legislation and ensuring that Signature Cash and this Privacy Code, its policies, guidelines and procedures remain in compliance.

Our online banking system is safeguarded with the best security availablein a commercial environment, ensuring that your information is protected while data is transmitted between your computer and our banking server.

Internet encryption protects your information while it is in transit between your computer and our systems. Encryption ensures that data cannot be read or altered because the information is scrambled. Our online banking website uses a 128-bit SSL, encrypting both request and response transactions, through a secure connection. To establish a secure connection, verify that the prefix of our website address in your browser reads ‘https’ (and not simply ‘http’). All the browsers we support meet this requirement. If yours doesn’t, please download the appropriate encryption support from your browser’s supplier.

When you move, it is important to notify us of your change of address. Ifyour mailing information isn’t up-to-date, documents that contain personalinformation will continue to be sent to your former address.

When you spend time on the Internet, your browser stores information, suchas the websites you visit, the images and files you view, and your personalinformation, including passwords and login details. This data is held on yourcomputer’s hard drive and is known as ‘cache.’ Even though you may have loggedout and closed your browser, this information may remain accessible. You canprotect your data by clearing your browsing history regularly.

Some web browsers have a feature that allows you to browse the Internet without the browser storing information, such as the sites you visit, the images you see and videos you watch. This feature is sometimes used by people who share the same computer. Private browsing is a temporary option and must be selected in order for it to be activated. Private browsing, however, does not give you immunity to spyware or make you anonymous. It is still possible for your Internet service provider, employer or the websites you visit to track your online activity.

Frequently reviewing your electronic account statements ensures that youspot any incorrect or fraudulent transactions as soon as they occur.

While pickpockets can only target a few people each day, internetfraudsters cast their nets much wider, using the anonymity and reach of massemails and fake websites. You can protect yourself from these situations byknowing how to identify and avoid these scams.

A common way for Internet scammers to obtain your personal information isthrough a method called phishing. Usernames, passwords, banking information andcredit card details are phished through email or instant messaging. Phishingworks by sending communications, which appear to be from your financialinstitution, but they are not. You are asked, supposedly by your financialinstitution, to log in to your online banking to verify account information.Often some type of security concern is cited as the issue. The fake emailinstructs you to click on a link that takes you to a non-legitimate version ofyour online banking site – one that is largely indistinguishable from thelegitimate site – and you’ll be asked to enter your credentials.
Phishing emails may include:

Warnings about account closures
Requests to update your information
Offers to register for a new service or for pre-approved credit cards
Free virus-protection programs

Once you click on the link, which directs you to a phishing website, you’ll be prompted to enter personal or banking information. Phishing scams seek personal details, such as your address, social security number or mother’s maiden name.The details obtained will then be used for identity theft. Scam emails purporting to be from your credit card company or financial institution often have some telling signs, including:

Poor spelling or grammar

Alarmist content

Warning that your account will be closed if you don’t provide your banking or personal details immediately

Notices that you’ve won a prize and are required to pay a fee in order to claim it

Never provide personal details or any account details in an email. Electronic messaging is not a secure form of communication. If you receive a message that you are unsure about, please contact us.

Another way for hackers to get their hands on your personal details is by pharming them. Pharming occurs when fraudsters use malicious codes on your PC, which compromises your computer and redirects you to fake websites. With pharming, the dishonest redirection of websites happens even when you type correct website addresses directly into your browser, making you think that you’re on the correct website when you are not. Once there, you are asked toenter your online banking credentials or account information, which the fraudsters take and use for their benefit.

We will never send you emails or communications asking you to verify or provide your online banking details. The best way to protect yourself is to never use a link provided in an email to access your online banking (because we don’t send those; fraudsters do). Do not open emails or email attachments from unknown sources. Scan email through your anti-virus software.
Always type your financial institution’s website address directly into yourbrowser and remember to look for confirmation that you are browsing securely.The letter “s” in ‘https’ indicates you are navigating to a secure site, incomparison to the open and unprotected ‘http’ URLs. Look for the ‘https’ whenonline shopping, too.
Don’t feel panicked when phishing emails caution of immediate account closures if your banking details cannot be verified. Don’t believe emails warning that your account has been compromised or that you’ll miss out on a great deal if you fail to act immediately.

Install anti-virus software on your computer to protect your information, money and privacy. Such software detects viruses and cleans your computer so that harmful viruses do not spread. Set up your anti-virus to run frequent scans and update the software as soon as it is required. Ensure you have real-time scanning of every email and every file you download.